Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dieta e produtos de emagrecimento e que você deve saber sobre eles

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Many people know that losing weight is not just about feeling fit and healthy, but a way of regaining the self- esteem many had before adding the extra weight. It's no wonder there are so many diet and slimming pills on the market, most of them being over- the-counter drugs. Nevertheless, several queries have risen regarding these diet and slimming products. Questions such as: Are these products safe? How effective are they? Does the product actually give you the looks you hoped for? Are herbal supplements a better alternative to traditional slimming pills? If you have such as these, here are few tips about such products and what you should really expect from them.

Most well know slimming products are available not only in local drug stores and supermarkets but you can also find them on the internet as well. Many of these products are very effective, helping a lot of people get rid stubborn belly fat. Though this may sound good to many, there are still high risk involved that consumers are unaware of. The regular buyer may check the compounds in a dietary supplement he or she may buy, but among the twenty or so herbs, vitamins and laxatives, it is hard to differentiate what is good or harmful to your body. There are two ways to avoid buying poor quality slimming products. You can either talk to your physician or check for the medical authority approval of the product. For instance, all supplements and drugs issued in the U.S. should carry an FDA authorization.

Here is another pertinent example of how some diet and slimming products may do more harm than good. For instance, the former compound ephedra, which was the basis for many slimming pills were withdrawn from the market because of the health concerns it raised, and it was soon replaced with the "magic" ingredient: bitter orange. You now see many slimming products now that say: ephedra-free, which is by far a great thing, but they may contain a higher amount of bitter orange than is safe for the body. Bitter orange in high dosage may cause arrhythmias, increased blood pressure, or can even inhibit the body's metabolism. This is why advice from your physician is needed in such cases. It may not be wise to start a pill-based diet without first asking for your doctor's opinion.

With that being said not all popular slimming supplements are bad, there are also completely risk-free dietary supplements that adjust well to the body's requirements. For example the diet and slimming products based on green tea extract combined with ginseng root have proved a huge success on the market. The green tea extract acts as a laxative and antioxidant, stimulating the body's natural metabolism, whereas the ginseng root provides the right nutrient and mineral vitality. In the same category we could range slimming products based on seaweed such as chlorella or spirulin that are excellent tonics and great fat burners. Just remember when starting a pill-based diet, the more natural it's composition, the more healthier you will be!


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